First, Me88 Casino would like to introduce itself, even though many might already be familiar with this information. Me88 Casino is a platform offering casino services, including games like Slots, Live Dealer, and sports betting services such as football, basketball, and more. Me88 Casino is the largest project of Me88 Global, a multinational entertainment company currently headquartered in Singapore. As such, you can imagine that Me88 Casino operates as an online business model, where our main business is fun.
Regarding our vision, Me88 Casino, as well as Me88 Global, is divided into three phases: short-term, medium-term, and long-term. In the short-term vision, Me88 believes that the online casino business model will continue to grow robustly during the last six months of the year. This growth might even become excessive, leading to a booming trend in online casinos. Naturally, with such a highly attractive industry like the casino model, speculators will focus their capital to quickly profit.
However, what goes up must come down. When the market expands too far beyond its actual value, the bubble will burst. At this point, only well-invested casinos with legitimate business goals will survive. Me88 Casino predicts that out of 100 online casinos, only about 5 will still be around in the next 2-3 years. This forces serious investors to stay steady and not get swept up in the trend.For the long-term vision, Me88 Casino, along with other legitimate businesses, believes that the online casino business model will officially become a recognized entertainment model. Me88 and other reputable casinos in the market are working every day to turn this “dream” into reality. We will gradually dispel the market’s negative perceptions and those of regulators. We will show the world that online casinos are on the rise.